Are We Conditioned? The Balance Between Rewards and Authenticity in Our Decisions

Are We Conditioned? The Balance Between Rewards and Authenticity in Our Decisions

At times, it seems like everything we do is driven by what we can gain in return: rewards, recognition, or simply a smile of approval. From work to raising our children, personal relationships, and caring for our pets, it feels as though we are constantly operating under a logic of exchange. But is it always like this? Or are there moments when we act from a place of authenticity, without expecting anything in return?

Conditioning and Rewards: A Behavioral Model

From an early age, we learn that our actions have consequences. A child who picks up their toys gets a reward, an employee who works hard is recognized, and a pet that obeys is rewarded with a treat. This kind of conditioning is not bad in itself; in fact, it’s a useful tool for teaching and reinforcing behaviors.

But when our lives are entirely based on this "give to receive" system, we run the risk of losing sight of something fundamental: authenticity in our actions. As philosopher Albert Schweitzer said, "Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing." Sometimes, doing something genuinely, without expecting anything in return, can have a much greater impact.

The Value of Acting from Authenticity

Acting with authenticity is not always easy, especially in a world where rewards are so highly valued. However, there are moments when we choose to do something simply because we believe it is the right thing to do. These are the moments when our actions reflect our true essence, not what we hope to gain from others.

Think of a spontaneous act of kindness, like helping someone on the street or attentively listening to a friend without interrupting. These actions connect us more deeply with others, not because there’s a promise of something in return, but because they arise from a genuine desire to contribute to the well-being of those around us.

"It is in those small acts of authenticity that we find a deeper sense of purpose."

Recognizing the Difference Between Interest and Authenticity

A practical exercise to identify when we are being driven by self-interest or by authenticity is to ask ourselves the following question before acting: Would I do this if I didn’t get anything in return? If the answer is "yes," you are probably acting from a place of authenticity. If the answer is "no," it’s a good time to reflect on our motivations and how we can better balance them.

Even in parenting, where we often use rewards to encourage behavior, it’s important to also teach children the value of doing things for the good of others. While it may be tempting to always offer a reward, showing them the impact of their actions on others is a powerful way to cultivate empathy.

Finding Balance in Our Actions

The challenge is not to eliminate the reward system, but to know when to use it and when to let authenticity guide our decisions. We all live conditioned to some extent, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find a balance between acting out of self-interest and acting from the heart.

One way to achieve that balance is to remember that not all our actions need to be validated by others to be valuable. Doing something simply because it feels good or right can be a reward in itself. As Buddha said, "Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it."


In summary, although many aspects of life seem to function under a logic of rewards and conditioning, there is also room to act from authenticity. This balance between interest and authenticity is key to living more fully and connected to who we truly are.

At the end of the day, it’s not just about what we can receive, but what we can offer without expecting anything in return. Living this way not only frees us from expectations, but allows us to experience greater satisfaction and a deeper sense of purpose in our actions.

"The balance between what we do out of interest and what we do from authenticity is what leads us to a fuller life."

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Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash