Are we truly open to new ideas or just looking to confirm what we already believe?

Are we truly open to new ideas or just looking to confirm what we already believe?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we’re open to new ideas, but what happens when a perspective challenges our deepest-held beliefs? Often, without realizing it, we seek affirmations that reinforce what we already believe instead of accepting different viewpoints. This tendency, though natural, can limit us.

Personal growth not only involves learning new things but also being willing to change our beliefs when necessary. As we open our minds to different perspectives, we learn to see the world with greater breadth. So how can we ensure we are truly open to learning?

Confirmation bias: our invisible filter

One of the biggest obstacles to accepting new ideas is Confirmation Bias, which leads us to seek, interpret, and remember information that supports our beliefs while ignoring or rejecting anything that challenges them.

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled” - Mark Twain

For example, when we talk to people with different opinions, are we actively listening, or are we just waiting for the moment to reaffirm our position? This bias limits our ability to learn, and to counter it, we need to practice Active Listening and cultivate genuine curiosity for other perspectives.

Suggestion: Next time you disagree with someone, instead of responding immediately, take a moment to reflect on their perspective. What can you learn from their approach? (It will literally take you just a few seconds).

Openness to change

Accepting new ideas can be uncomfortable. It challenges us and forces us to question our mental comfort zones. However, it is in this challenge that true growth lies. When we are willing to listen and consider what others have to say, we expand our horizons and evolve as people.

"The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size" - Albert Einstein

Accepting different viewpoints does not mean we have to abandon our own beliefs, but it allows us to evaluate them from new perspectives. This openness teaches us to be flexible and adapt in a constantly changing world.

Make a conscious effort to interact with people who think differently than you. Listening to those with opposing ideas is one of the best ways to broaden your view of the world.

How to listen in order to learn?

Most of the time, when we talk, we’re just waiting for our turn to speak rather than truly listening. Active listening is a skill that requires practice and humility, as it involves being present and open to what the other person is saying without judgment or interruptions.

Here are some tips to improve your listening skills:

  1. Listen without interrupting: Give the other person space to express themselves without feeling the need to immediately defend your point of view.
  2. Ask clarifying questions: Instead of reacting, ask the other person more about their perspective.
  3. Reflect before responding: Taking a few seconds before speaking will help you process the information you’ve received and offer a more thoughtful response.

Mutual learning

When we learn to accept and value new ideas, we create an environment where both we and others can grow together. This doesn’t mean we will always agree, but the simple fact of being willing to consider other viewpoints fosters an atmosphere of respect and mutual learning.

In the end, what truly enriches our lives are the conversations that open doors to new ways of thinking. Even if we don’t change our minds, we gain a deeper understanding of others and the world around us.

Take time to read or listen to topics unfamiliar to you. This could include books, podcasts, or even conversations with people from different backgrounds.


By being open to new ideas and letting go of the need to always be right, we can significantly advance our personal growth. This attitude teaches us to be more empathetic, understanding, and to see the world from a broader perspective. True learning doesn’t come from confirming what we already know, but from accepting what we have yet to explore.

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new" - Socrates

Take small steps to listen, understand, and accept others’ points of view. There is so much to learn from this practice.

Join a Supportive Community

To further support your journey in developing positive habits, consider using Deeditt, a mobile app where people can share positive thoughts and learn from each other's experiences. Being part of a community that fosters positive change can provide you with the encouragement and motivation you need. On Deeditt, you can connect with like-minded people, celebrate your achievements, and find inspiration in the successes and strategies of others. Embrace the power of community and make your habit-forming journey even more rewarding with Deeditt.

Fostering a Positive Mindset

At Deeditt, we are committed to supporting your journey of personal growth and positive thinking. We believe in creating a genuine community where mutual support is our greatest strength. We are here to listen to your feedback and suggestions, and we always welcome a simple "hello." Together, we can share our experiences, celebrate our victories, and overcome our challenges. Join us on this journey and let's support each other in fostering a positive mindset and continuous personal development. Your feedback and participation are what make this community strong and vibrant.

Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash