Posts in Category: Social Impact

Are We Conditioned? The Balance Between Rewards and Authenticity in Our Decisions

At times, it seems like everything we do is driven by what we can gain in return: rewards, recognition, or simply a smile of approval. From work to raising our children, personal relationships, and caring for our pets, it feels as though we are constantly operating under a logic of exchange. But is...…
in Social Impact

The Transformative Power of Your Story

Everyone has a story to tell, and often those stories are intertwined with our passions and purposes in life. However, the fear of being judged or misunderstood holds us back. This article will help you overcome those fears and understand that your story, especially when linked to your passion, is...…
in Social Impact

How to Use Deeditt to Stay on Track with Your Resolutions

Currently our world is filled with distractions and obligations, sticking to our resolutions can seem like a daunting task. But what if I told you there's a tool designed to inspire and fill you with positivity? Welcome to Deeditt, your new ally on the path to personal success. In this post, you'll...…
in Social Impact

Loneliness in the Digital Age

In this digital world, it's easy to feel like a small boat adrift. Paradoxically, loneliness has become a familiar companion for many in this hyper-connected era. But what if we told you the solution to this loneliness might be found in the very space that often perpetuates it? Understanding Moder...…
in Social Impact

The power of shared knowledge

Knowledge is power. It's a tool that allows us to learn, grow, and achieve our goals. However, we often hold back from sharing our knowledge with others. There are several reasons for this, such as fear of competition, fear of rejection, or lack of confidence. Yet, sharing our knowledge is a good...…
in Social Impact

Do we need role models to inspire change?

Imagine you're walking through a park, and you come across a group of people running together. At first glance, it might seem like a simple act of exercise. But look a little closer, and you'll see the power of a role model in action. Someone had to take the first step to organize this event, to ins...…
in Social Impact