
Learning to Recognize Your Mistakes

Recognizing a mistake can be uncomfortable, and I understand that, as it often feels like we are surrounded by competition and perfection. These days, it almost seems like the norm, and admitting that we are not infallible can make us feel vulnerable. However, what if I told you that those uncomfort...…
in Authentic Connections

The Myth of Constant Positivity

"Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them." - Steve Maraboli Everything around us pushes us to always be optimistic, to find the bright side of things, and to never be brought down by challenges. We're taught that a positive attitude is everything, and that...…
in Personal Growth

From intention to action: how to turn desires into results

Have you ever set yourself a goal with all the motivation in the world, only to find yourself abandoning it shortly after? You're not alone. Most of us have felt that frustration. We know what we want to achieve, but something holds us back along the way. So, what separates those who achieve their g...…
in Inspiration

Developing a More Conscious Relationship with Anger

Anger is an emotion we all know, but few of us really know how to manage it. Often, we are taught to suppress it or feel guilty for experiencing it. However, anger, like any other emotion, has a purpose. How can we develop a more conscious relationship with it so that it doesn't control us or get st...…
in Personal Growth

The way you start your day impacts your well-being

Have you ever woken up feeling like everything is out of place? The way we begin our day can have a significant impact on how we feel and how we handle the hours ahead. It's not about following complex rituals or ideas that sound good in theory, but recognizing that simple habits can tangibly influ...…
in Personal Growth

Keep Your Distractions Away from Your Goals

It is no surprise that we currently live saturated with stimuli and constant distractions. Maintaining focus on our daily tasks and long-term goals can seem like a titanic task. However, the ability to concentrate on what truly matters is the cornerstone for achieving success in any area of our li...…
in Personal Growth